5 Easy Steps to Lose Weight Without Exercise

     Image courtesy: Unsplash   A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. Being obese or overweight puts you at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, and even blindness. But apart from physical exercise, there are other simpler steps you can take to lose weight. Here are the 5 easy steps to lose weight without exercise: Slow Down and Munch Your Food Properly When you chew your food properly it makes you eat more slowly. A 2020 article on Healthline stated according to a study that chewing your food up to 32 times leads to eating less portions, decreased consumption and increased fullness. That fullness sends a signal to your brain that you have had enough and therefore can stop eating. However, when you eat faster there isn’t enough time for the brain to process whether you’re full or not. You’re therefore likely to eat more portions. Eat a Lot of Protein-Rich Foods Proteins affect the two majo

For My Friends Everything, For My Enemies The Law



Excessive charity and forgiveness towards self and allies versus lack of charity and harsh judgement upon opponents – this has been the outstanding tone regarding the County Revenue Allocation Bill.

It’s no wonder the Senate has failed a record 9 times to agree on a way forward regarding how much counties will receive from the exchequer!

And yet the legislative process and debates of any honorable house must never be laced with tones of hatred and malice.

This attitude of acrimony and vengeance to teach each other some lesson is juvenile and unproductive.

Ordinarily, a Kenyan on the streets would not bother to forcefully teach another a lesson.

All you’d get is a warning to be careful when walking on certain parts of downtown Nairobi at particular hours.

However, the political class are accorded certain power by the constitution which they would want to wield in a show of might and not necessarily to promote public good.

The public do not need to feel how powerful you are if they cannot get the service delivered to them.

In fact, all power is an illusion until it brings about a tangible accomplishment to its subjects.

But this attitude of revenge and pay-back has a historical background to it.

In the pre-multiparty days, the powers-that-be would pounce on a political opponent not with blows but with arbitrary arrests, repossession of property and all manner of threats.

The party position was law and was not to be questioned but followed.

This is a trick from the old book on “how to deal with your enemies”

Those that have suffered previously at the hands of political tyrants should be at the forefront in rejecting all forms of injustice – injustice anywhere is s threat to justice everywhere - Martin Luther King Jr

Yet politics is about advancing ideologies, which must be convincingly sold to potential converts.

You cannot beat an idea into an opponent!

And the beating I am referring to here is two-fold. One is physical, like the flimsy cases and illegal arrests and the other has to do with withholding a vote from the opponent to pass a message.

In my considered opinion, the political class has behaved badly across the divide.

The advancement of public good should always supersede individual, party or sectarian interests.

When the focus is lost on why public servants are elected into office, we end up with this kind of unnecessary drama.

Let them that are in political positions know this, the Kenyan out there does not care how many blows you throw at each other; if you’re not serving public interest it’s all futile.

There has been a very false and myopic argument going round that because a certain part of the political class passed the infamous security law in 2014, they deserve to suffer for its consequences.

But who knows who will be in power tomorrow? Furthermore, if our primary motivation is to always get even at the next turn how can we build a nation?

These public displays of vengeance from elected leaders are what drive the mental psyche of the electorate. Each electoral region sees the whole nation through the views of its local leader.

If and when that view is biased and lopsided against another group, you can be sure that the rhetoric will align to the same.

Political power is like shifting sand but laws are what form the fabric of a nation’s values.

Playing around with the latter in an effort to drive a temporal point and score political mileage is a game of fools.

Yes, that infamous security law was passed and its supporters may not have imagined its full impact then as they do now!

But since we are in the same country, we might as well begin to imagine ourselves suffering under the same law at some point because there are no two laws for one country; except may be in Hong Kong!

Therefore, let the majority have their way and the minority their say, but also let the silent have their peace!


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