
Showing posts from June, 2020

5 Easy Steps to Lose Weight Without Exercise

     Image courtesy: Unsplash   A sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. Being obese or overweight puts you at a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, and even blindness. But apart from physical exercise, there are other simpler steps you can take to lose weight. Here are the 5 easy steps to lose weight without exercise: Slow Down and Munch Your Food Properly When you chew your food properly it makes you eat more slowly. A 2020 article on Healthline stated according to a study that chewing your food up to 32 times leads to eating less portions, decreased consumption and increased fullness. That fullness sends a signal to your brain that you have had enough and therefore can stop eating. However, when you eat faster there isn’t enough time for the brain to process whether you’re full or not. You’re therefore likely to eat more portions. Eat a Lot of Protein-Rich Foods Proteins affect the two majo


Image courtesy of Even Paul Volcker, the late American economist and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, agreed that , "The only thing useful banks have invented in 20 years is the ATM" Doesn’t it just feel good walking to the ATM, slide in your card and voila, money comes running out! It gives you that feeling of confidence, security, abundance and what else? Indeed, money makes the world go round! But one of the qualities of money is its limited supply. It’s always moving. Now you have it, the next minute it’s gone! The other reality is that, for you to withdraw you must have deposited or saved some money! Otherwise you’d have to borrow from the bank and that can be costly! What you save you can always access interest-free while borrowing attracts interest and puts you in more debt in the long run. But how do you save money during Covid-19 when there are job losses and pay cuts? The money you will save during this time of the COVID-19

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